Who are we?
Wanyuri Foundation: Improving livelihoods by empowering individuals & communities
Wanyuri is a non-profit organization working to support the less privileged in Cameroon by implementing projects aimed at promoting self-reliance, education, agriculture, water and sanitation. Wanyuri started its activities in December 2016 and its main objective is to empower people to self-reliance. Only in cases of utmost necessity is emergency aid provided. We want the inhabitants tto be able to take care of themselves independently, so that they no longer need help from outside, e.g. from Europe, and that they can achieve all this while maintaining their cultural uniqueness.
How the organization came to existence.
The idea of the wanyuri non-profit organization originated with Sunjo (Founder) on October 25 during the memorial day of her mom. Sunjo has been living with her family in Belgium and regularly visits her country of birth Cameroon. Sunjo's mother was someone with a particularly big heart for mankind. Even though she did not have much, she helped everyone she could. She was known in that region for her social commitment. Her name was "Yuri," which means "listening." Sunjo and some of the sisters want to continue the mother's work, and so they founded the non-profit organization "Wanyuri", which means "child of Yuri". For transparency reasons, the non-profit organization Wanyuri was established both in Belgium, and in Cameroon. We started to support the vulnerable persons in Cameroon by executing projects aimed at promoting self-reliance, education, agriculture, water and sanitation.
How we work.
For the moment we mainly with volunteers who help with activities and give advice to the board of directors. No expenses or salaries are paid to the the board members of Wanyuri. For example, if our president or someone else from Wanyuri goes to Cameroon to inspect the works or to help, all expenses are paid from private funds, not from Wanyuri. In this way we continue to ensure that every fund donated goes directly there. As we grow and expand our projects and activities in Cameroon, we wil in the future employ a fulltime country project manager to manage the projects and keep them sustainable in the long term.
Financial Integrity
Wanyuri Foundation rapporteert helder over hoe elke ingezamelde euro wordt uitgegeven. Alle donaties en geldinzamelingen worden rechtstreeks in de projecten geïnvesteerd. Lees meer https://wanyuri.org/nl/transparantie-en-cijfers/ over onze jaarrekening Transparantie & cijfers
In-depth project follow-up
Wanyuri Foundation established both in Belgium and in Cameroon. On the ground we can count on our reliable team members. Who follow up all projects and ensure they are brought to realization.
Realizing lost dreams.
Among other things, the non-profit organization wants to support & empower underprivileged children, families, farmers and widows to take care of self-reliance and make their dreams come true.
Working together, growing together
We collaborate with other organization, charities and non-profit organizations that are active in Africa and share the same vision of fighting poverty. We rely on local volunteers and organizations to support us locally in bringing projects to live.
The non-profit organization Wanyuri was founded in December 2016 and helps, among others, underprivileged families, children, farmers and widows in Cameroon. Our goal is to not only help the people financially and materially, but also to teach and empower them to become self-sufficient. Vzw Wanyuri has offices both in Cameroon and in Belgium to ensure full transparency and to have sufficient control over the projects on the ground.
The Wanyuri Foundation team consists of a board of directors and volunteers. All these enthusiastic volunteers contribute to the success of Wanyuri's projects and goals towards improving livelihoods.
Founder: Sunjo Relindis Kiven
Treasurer: Ngoula Deta Fidel
Secretary: Ndifor Caroline Bihshie
Programs officer: Ngan Mathias
Advicer: Lungla Anslem Wirba
Assistant Treasurer: Ngang Delphine Servinzem
Pierot Claude Bongfen is our coordinator on the ground. Despite his fulltime employment he still manages to find time for volunteer activities for the organization. He commits himself to closely following the projects of Wanyuri Foundation and ensuring that everything is done in fair and transparent manner.
In addition to the Board of Directors and our coordinators in Cameroon, the non-profit organization also counts on many volunteers. They help organize events and are particularly committed to contributing to improving livelihood.
– Phebe D’hondt
– Virgil Mollen
– Elvin Yuyun
– Kurt Vandewalle
– Elias Vandewalle
– Karin Vandewalle
– Rita Vandewalle
Onze integriteit, verantwoordelijkheid en transparantie maken ons anders. Oprichtster Sunjo Relindis Kiven is opgegroeid in Afrika, en heeft dus een diep inzicht in de cultuur en hoe de mensen daar werken en leven. Dit is essentieel voor het succesvol uitvoeren van projecten in deze regio van de wereld.
Vzw Wanyuri voert steeds haalbaarheidsstudies en kostenanalyses uit voordat we van start gaan met onze projecten. Op deze manier kunnen we verantwoord en efficiënt omgaan met elke cent.
We kunnen veel bereiken met de ingezamelde fondsen, en er echt voor zorgen dat het geld wordt gebruikt waarvoor het is bedoeld.
The Team Behind Wanyuri Belgium
This is the driving force behind Wanyuri Belgium, all committed people who want to contribute to a empowering communities and individuals in Cameroon. Do you also have a heart for people and you want to help improve their livelihood? Then contact us.

Sunjo Relindis Kiven
I founded this non-profit organization as a means to help fight poverty and empower youths in Cameroon since I myself is of Cameroonian origin and I know the harsh reality of poverty all too well. That is why I want to continue my mother's work in empowering less privileged people to self-reliance. Though I am a Belgian by nationality, I remain a Cameroonian by heart & blood. Fitness and fashion are some of the things that interest me, and relocating to the Caribbean is my biggest dream.

Paul Vande Kerckhove
As a co-founder of Wanyuri, I naturally hope that we will grow into a full-fledged development aid organization. It is a great opportunity to mean something to Cameroon and its people. I have already been a volunteer for several organizations, but now I am for the first time very closely involved in all activities. Our non-profit organization started small and has been growing to what it now is. The Board of Directors and the volunteers are very diverse and each have their own talents, so I definitely believe in our future.

Daphne D'hondt
During my nursing studies, I did an internship in Cameroon. With my own eyes I could see how the population is doing at the moment. As a volunteer and assistant secretary of the non-profit organization Wanyuri I hope to contribute and improve the living conditions in Cameroon. Currently I live and work in Ghent. I love traveling, playing sports and taking on new challenges. Later I would like to work for Doctors Without Borders and travel around the world.

Pieter Lecomte