Wanyuri blog
Kumbo - Banso Cameroon: Get to know where Wanyuri operates.
Get to know the region where Wanyuri started with it's activities in Cameroon. Wanyuri started it's activities of community empowerment & development in villages around Kumbo - Banso in Cameroon the birth place of the our founder's mother "Mami Yuri".
Wanyuri Foundation has been working in underprivileged communities in Cameroon since 2016 to improve people's living conditions. Since then, we have successfully worked with local partners to provide potable water, build toilets in schools, renovate and expand classrooms, provide teaching and sanitary materials for the most impoverished schools in the region.
Belgian pharmacy "APOTHEEK VANDEPUTTE" supports orphans and vulnerable communities in Cameroon via WANYURI Foundation.
De apotheek in Spiere-Helkijn doneert verzorgingsproducten, medische producten en meer aan VZW WANYURI die ontwikkelingsprojecten uitvoert in Kameroen (klik voor meer informatie over de projecten). De producten zullen
Zeven Studenten Afgeslacht Door Schutters In Kumba Stad In De Zuidwestelijke Regio Van Kameroen
24 oktober 2020 verliet de Kameroense bevolking wereldwijd in jammerklacht, paniek en totale doodsstrijd als nieuws zich verspreidde over de vermoorde kinderen van “Moeder Francisca
Wanyuri noodfonds
Families en Leerkrachten in Hongersnood in Kameroen. Door de aanhoudende “Anglophone crisis” in Kameroen en nu in combinatie met de COVID-19 pandemie zijn vele mensen