Wanyuri Foundation Blogpost

A look back into our 2021

Eind 2021 Projectjaar voor Stichting Wanyuri.
End of 2021 Project Year for Wanyuri Foundation. We share with you all in this blog, the projects we completed, the partnerships we formed, changes within our organisation and our project plans for the year 2022 to enable us achieve our organisationā€™s vision and mission.


On behalf of the Wanyuri Foundation, I offer my warmest wishes to our valued supporters & a happy and safe holiday season.

2021 bleef 2021 has continued to be a challenging for many citizens especially those in Cameroon due to the Covid-19 pandemic as it still continues to affect its our loved ones, our economies, our way of life.

At the Wanyuri Foundation our focus is firmly on promoting self-reliance and providing access to clean drinking water in rural communities around Cameroon. We are committed to using our resources, platforms and partnerships to amplify their voices of these communities and advance their interests. We do this in three ways. First, by supporting the communities in all aspects of their sufferings. Second, by nurturing the growth of small business startups through our skills & training center. And third, by ensuring to access to clean drinking water to all.

Throughout 2021 we have strived to deliver on our mission dispite the Covid-19 impediments: reaching an ever-wider target group with our projects; and starting partnerships with local NGOā€™s that we hope will play a role in helping us touch more people in Cameroon with our projects.

Much has happened this year, with records broken in relation to the number of grants we received and projects we completed and new once started. I am especially proud of our “Wanyuri Skills And Development Center”which trains young people and single mothers on trade & skills that will help them land a job or start up their own businesses. This center gives us the insurance in achieving our mission our mission of ā€œself-relianceā€ for all

Perhaps most significant for us has been the completion of the ā€œThe school construction & sanitationā€ project started in 2016 in Kumbo. Completing the project this year given the ongoing instability in this region is something our organization is very proud of.

Wanyuri Foundation behoort tot de bevolking van Kameroen en BelgiĆ« en het is hartverwarmend om de snelle stijging van het niveau en de diepte van de betrokkenheid bij ons werk/projecten door Kameroense maatschappelijke organisaties zoals ā€œMarguerita Holistic Health Center-M2HC & Local Youth Corner Cameroon" to see. The involvement of local citizens of Cameroon in matters that affect their lives sows the seeds of change that we all seek.

We also committed in 2021 to help fight the spread of the covid-19 various and provided support to those who had lost their sources of income because of the side effects of Covid-19 measures implemented by the government. We provided them with startup capitals and salary lost compensation benefits via the herstelde maatregelenproject. This came in very handy in a country where there is no social security.

Water supply to the community.

We worked closely with local citizens in Bamenda and local civil society to execute the Sisia Nkwen-waterproject Sisia Nkwen water project giving access to drinking to more than 5000 people.
Wanyuri is bound by a web of donors & sponsors including gemeente Spiere-Helkijn, StadKortrijk, Wereld-huis, Pater-Roose fonds Bedrijven en bekende Vlamingen that finance most of our project. Huge thank you to our sponsors. The core values of our organization ā€“human rights, human dignity, no poverty and equality. These deserve to be celebrated. Due to Covid-19 we were unable to carry out any sensitization campagnes & fundraise activities this year but we plan one for when the pandemic is over.

Onze kerstactie in 2021.

Due to Covid-19 we were unable to carry out any sensitization campagnes & fundraise activities this year but we plan one for when the pandemic is over. Have a happy and safe holiday season.

Prettige en veilige feestdagen gewenst.

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