In this our 2023 end of year report, we try to provide a comprehensive overview of our activities, achievements, and impact of the past year 2023. Here below are some of the milestones we hit with our NGO.
Wanyuri 2023 Executive SummarySome of our most significant achievements and milestones of the year 2023 include: Provision of accesses to clean and safe water to more than 15000 persons with Completion & handover of Awae-Esssabi water project Kickstart of Kup & Mimbam water projects in the Center and North-West Region of Cameroon.

Education is one of the four pijlars(portable water, entrepreneurship and agriculture) promoted within Wanyuri and in 2023 classroom materials provision and scholarships for a selected number of merited brilliant students in schools around Yaoundé, Bamenda and Douala Cameroon was awarded.

Entrepreneurship in Cameroon also receive a boost from us with our Wanyuri-parasol-distribution where more than 1000 small business owners benefitted from free parasols. This initiative sponsored by a private company to support the business of street vendors as they try to raise money under the hot scotching equatorial sun to manage their homes and feed their children.

2023 was a year full of so many natural disasters like what happened in Turkey, civil wars & international wars like what is happening in Gaza-Israel. Wanyuri did respond to a few nood-help situations in Cameroon. October of this year Wanyuri in partnership with the local Red-cross & city-council provided medical & material support to victims and families of the Mbankolo landslide disaster in Yaoundé Cameroon
We concluded the year in our normal spirit of giving. In December we ensured more than 800 people had warm-Christmas meals by our yearly donation of rice, oil and tomatoes sauce to families across villages in Bamenda. It might be of interest to mention that Bamenda still remains an unstable area due to the ongoing civil resistance in the city. Looking at all the above highlighted projects we executed at Wanyuri, it is safe to say that 2023 was a good year for us.
Als we kijken naar alle hierboven genoemde projecten die we bij Wanyuri hebben uitgevoerd, kunnen we gerust zeggen dat 2023 een goed jaar voor ons was.
Missie en impact van Wanyuri: Wanyuri’s missie van het bevorderen van zelfredzaamheid, onderwijs, toegang tot draagbaar water, ondernemerschap en landbouw heeft een significante impact gehad op het leven van de lokale bevolking van de gemeenschappen waar we projecten hebben uitgevoerd. Bijvoorbeeld Essabie, Mimbam, Kup en Mbonabome Engelstalige gemeenschap in Douala. Succesverhalen en getuigenissen van deze projecten zijn goed gedocumenteerd op onze sociale media om te laten zien waarom we blijven doen wat we doen en hoe effectief onze projecten zijn
Wanyuri 2023 Financial OverviewOur financial performance in 2023 was great thanks to the Belgian government via the West-Flanders government and Wilde Ganzen. These two institutions are our main financial sponsors. Of course, it is via subsidies and grants for which we most also do our part mainly in the form of sensitization campaigns. Our main revenue sources were subsidies and grants, private sponsorships and donations from individuals and companies which amounted to 52000€. Main expenses were project execution cost and costs incurred in sensitization campaigns and fund-raise events. It must be mention that within our organization all travel expenses are paid by the individuals and volunteers themselves. and any financial challenges faced during the year. Transparency in financial reporting is crucial for building trust with donors and stakeholders.
Program and Project HighlightsAs mentioned above all our programs & projects we engaged on in 2023, did resulted in impactful results documented in our YouTube channel and other social media.
our YouTube channel and other social media.
Volunteer and Donor Recognition We want to acknowledge and thank Wereld-huis and Wilde Ganzen for their continuous support to our initiatives. A big thank you to all volunteers and donors who have supported the organization throughout the year. Personal stories or testimonials from volunteers and donors can add a human touch
Challenges and Lessons Learned We did experience obstacles or challenges when executing our projects in Cameroon. Challenges mostly in price fluctuations and finding trust-worthy contractors and water-experts to work with. We are grateful for our team in Cameroon who put in the effort to solve these challenges and found us CROWN Engineering & Texcall Construction to execute our projects in a transparent and honest way. As we now reflect our greatest lessons learned via these experiences is not to trust everything contractors say, we have to do our own research and analysis before agreeing to anything, not just accept at face-value.
Governance and ComplianceAs we all know the laws and legislation keeps changing and we as a recognize NGO has to adhere and adapt to the changes. We will be working with VSCD( Vlaams Studie- en Documentatiecentrum voor vzw's) to adjust and bring our NGO to date with the new Belgian legislation for VZW. VSCD (Vlaams Studie- en Documentatiecentrum voor vzw’s) om onze NGO aan te passen en up-to-date te brengen met de nieuwe Belgische wetgeving voor VZW. VSCD(Vlaams Studie- en
Strategically for 2024 is an ambitious yearWe use the motto "Execute, deliver and impact" as we seek more sponsorships, grants and partnerships to implement programs and impact more lives. We plan to continue our collaboration with the Province of West Flanders through Wereldhuis, KBS & Wilde Ganzen.
We plan to increase networking & fundraising events with other local Belgian organizations and conduct awareness campaigns in Belgium through the 4th pillars. We plan to collaborate and establish partnerships with other local NPOs to organize awareness campaigns and intercultural events with Kiyodel VZW, Rino vzw, FMDO Kortrijk en KRAC Kortrijk.
Our goals is to show the world how our projects and events are helping to promote self-reliance in Cameroon, in addition to promoting education and access to portable water and education for all.
We zijn van plan om ons meer in te zetten voor de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelen van de Verenigde Naties, in het bijzonder voor doelen # 5 gendergelijkheid, # 6 water en sanitaire voorzieningen # 4 kwaliteitsonderwijs en # 2 honger, die onze organisatie wil ondersteunen en bereiken in Kameroen.

Our ultimate hope this year is to pick a date when all Wanyuri Cameroon board members visit to coordinate with Wanyuri Cameroon board members and visit all 10 portable water-water systems that our organization has implemented in Cameroon.
Ons motto voor 2024 is “Uitvoeren, leveren en impact hebben”!!!