Wanyuri Foundation Blogpost

Reflecting on 2022 milestones for Wanyuri Foundation.

Reflecting on 2022 milestones for Wanyuri Foundation.

As we close 2022, we hope you will join us in celebrating what has undoubtedly been a milestone year for the Wanyuri Organisation

Over the past year it has been our pleasure to work with and impact the lives of less-privileged people all around Cameroon. Treating them as equal partners in pushing for change in their communities.


This year 2023 we plan to make more progress towards achieving SDG#6 (clean water and sanitation) for all across communities in Cameroon, with support from our partners and sponsors in Europe. In 2023 we also mark the midpoint to 2030 and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, it is our hope that we continue to build upon these efforts towards a better world for all and especially in Cameroon.


Wishing you all the very best this new year and we look forward to continuing our work together with and for the people in Cameroon.


As a notable highlight, we witnessed the recognition of Wanyuri Cameroon as an official state-recognized NGO with privileged status in impacting the lives of the people. Laying the foundation for the establishment of the forthcoming partnership with other international and local organization in the current activities of Wanyuri Cameroon.

In a year flush with achievements of multiple developmental projects like the Dimako-Bertoua water project (providing access to clean and safe water to more than 15000 people), graduation of first batch of trainees from the Wanyuri Development & Skills Training Center, Inter-cultural exchange show-case event in Kortrijk-Belgium and Brain-storming and Idea exchange sessions with 11.11 Belgium. This has put Wanyuri Foundation and its activities impacting the lives of people on the international stage. This is surely the pinnacle, culminating years of hard work and mobilization from the grassroots to the global level since 2016 when Wanyuri Foundation was founded.



Across the full spectrum of the Wanyuri’s work, my team and I have been pleased to support important strides made with and for less-privileged people over the past year — from meaningful project engagement like transforming skills and knowledge transfer via the Wanyuri Development center to the multi-stakeholder water-projects amplifying our engagement in public life. Through these and so many other examples, we see the myriad of ways that Wanyuri continue to forge ahead — pushing for change in communities, educating peers, creating innovative solutions, fighting to protect the planet, advocating for fundamental human rights, and building peace and equality.


Through these and so many other examples, we see the myriad of ways that Wanyuri continue to forge ahead — pushing for change in communities, educating peers, creating innovative solutions, fighting to protect the planet, advocating for fundamental human rights, and building peace and equality. However, we must not forget that we are still living through multiple interconnected crises — the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ongoing climate crisis, systems of inequality and exclusion, shrinking civic space, and ongoing conflicts are but a few examples. Less-privileged persons particularly those who are already most vulnerable and marginalized due to intersecting forms of discrimination, continue to be disproportionately impacted. We continue to do our best to Change the narratives of these victims for “Giving makes you beautiful”.

We mogen echter niet vergeten dat we nog steeds meerdere onderling verbonden crisissen doormaken – de gevolgen van de COVID-19-pandemie, de aanhoudende klimaatcrisis, systemen van ongelijkheid en uitsluiting, de krimpende maatschappelijke ruimte en aanhoudende conflicten zijn slechts enkele voorbeelden. Minder bevoorrechte personen, met name degenen die al het meest kwetsbaar en gemarginaliseerd zijn als gevolg van kruisende vormen van discriminatie, worden nog steeds onevenredig zwaar getroffen.

We continue to do our best to Change the narratives of these victims for “Giving makes you beautiful”.


In solidarity,

The Team of Wanyuri Foundation.

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